KB1842: Tape library and drives are shown as ... - Veeam Software
www.veeam.com › kb1842Dec 05, 2013 · Line 2: Connect to the Tape Server where the Tape Library and Drives are attached. Open an Administrative Command Prompt. Change directory to a temporary folder (e.g., cd C:\Temp\) Run the following command to dump information from the Veeam Tape Service. The command will complete silently, leaving in the folder a file named "dumpinformation.xml".
KB1842: Tape library and drives are shown ... - Veeam Software
https://www.veeam.com/kb184205.12.2013 · Line 2: Connect to the Tape Server where the Tape Library and Drives are attached. Open an Administrative Command Prompt. Change directory to a temporary folder (e.g., cd C:\Temp\) Run the following command to dump information from the Veeam Tape Service. The command will complete silently, leaving in the folder a file named "dumpinformation.xml".
KB1816: Prevent Veeam from locking tape drives
https://www.veeam.com/kb181606.09.2013 · The registry keys below prevent Veeam Backup & Replication from scanning for changes to the tape systems that are attached to the server. If the tape drives/library are already showing up in the Veeam console under backup infrastructure, and you would like to remove them in addition to Veeam not scanning for them, you will have to follow the additional steps below.
Tape Libraries - User Guide for VMware vSphere
helpcenter.veeam.com › managing_libraryAug 26, 2020 · All tape libraries and standalone tape drives managed by Veeam Backup & Replication are shown in a list under the Libraries node in the Tape Infrastructure view. All connected devices are discovered automatically during the rescan procedure. When you add a new tape device to the tape server, it appears in your console after rescanning.