Now it is a few weeks later and I need to enlarge that hard drive again. Cant do it with an active snapshot. How do I reconcile or get rid of that snapshot? The ...
28.05.2014 · DELETE SNAPSHOT: The snapshot files are consolidated and written to the parent snapshot disk and merge with the virtual machine base disk. Deleting a snapshot leaves the current state of the virtual machine or any other snapshot untouched.
03.11.2020 · When deleting snapshots you are removing the snapshot from the snapshot tree and merging the data written to child delta disk files to the virtual machines base disk. Consolidating snapshots When consolidating snapshots you are removing redundant delta disk files which are leftovers from failed snapshot r evert, delete, or delete all operations.
Consolidation operation deletes all your "redundant" redo logs. But delete all operation deletes your snapshots and consolidate to a single disk. Consolidation ...
25.09.2017 · Delete VM snapshots for the VM (it is recommended to delete the snapshots on by one, lowest first) Check vCenter if snapshot consolidation is required. Update VMware tools if required (reboot of VM maybe required). Start Veeam Start the backup job (please do not "retry") Was this post helpful? Spice Reply