28.02.2014 · The system cannot find the file specified. I'm working with workstation 9, my laptop rebooted while workstation was running. Now when I try to connect to the vmx file its says "The system cannot find the file" but the file exists.
08.05.2014 · The system cannot find the file specified. In fact, the specified file Windows XP-cl2-000018.vmdk is still there, it ... and luckily, there was an odd file named: Windows XP-cl2-000018-s032.vmdk-dftshkgmw-tmp; The format of file name could be altered by VMware Workstation during defragmentation. So I changed the file name back by ...
11.08.2019 · It says "Unable to open file: '...\x.vmdk": The system cannot find the file specified." even though the file is clearly there as shown in the screenshot. Extra details: Windows 10 (both computers) Settings have not changed when I moved cloned virtual machine to the second computer. I have access to the first computer where I cloned it.
23.08.2021 · With just a file listing that only shows the file names but nothing else, one can just guess. Take a look at the VM's configuration (.vmx) file, and find out which virtual disks (.vmdk) are referenced.Check whether all the files that are listed in "Ubuntu1.vmdk" exist in the VM's folder.Depending on whether "Ubuntu1-0.vmdk" is in use, verify that it points to an existing …
30.03.2018 · The system cannot find the file specified. VMware `12.5 Jump to solution. Hello team, I'm having issues opening a vm in my vmware workstation 12.5. ... The system cannot find the file specified. Then when I try to open a different Virtual Disk from the following:
close VMware Workstation · make sure you have a current backup of all the VM's current files !!! · replace the . · create a sub-directory, and move ...
25.08.2020 · This issue is resolved Horizon 8 2006, available at VMware downloa. Workaround To workaround this issue, please refer and choose one of the following workarounds: