16.12.2020 · The latest driver should be named either: nvidia-455xx-utils or nvidia-utils. Additionally, you also have proper kernel Nvidia modules which are needed for it to work. You should never mess with graphical drivers on Manjaro manually. You have to use MHWD for it, see Manjaro Wiki.
29.05.2020 · Time for me to try the new beta Vulkan Renderer in Path of Exile, playing on Manjaro Linux steam proton....OMG It really is that freakin good!!!I needed to a...
Yes, Vulkan is supported on Manjaro. You need: vulkan-icd-loader. As well as the proper Vulkan driver for you GPU: Intel: vulkan-intel. NVIDIA: nvidia. AMD: vulkan-radeon (for the radeon driver or AMDGPU) Vulkan does not work with Bumblebee. 2.
24.07.2019 · Problem with Vulkan on manjaro. Newbie Corner. vulkan, amdgpu. Crimsondawn 24 July 2019 02:47 #1. i have an AMD r7 200 series Oland GPU and i'm having issues getting vulkan running on manjaro here is my vulkaninfo ERROR: [Loader ...
Your GPU sounds like some old GCN 1st gen card which have this problem a lot. You will need to switch from the radeon kernel driver to the amdgpu kernel driver. Adding this to your bootloader kernel option should switch to amdgpu and offer Vulkan support: radeon.si_support=0 amdgpu.si_support=1 radeon.cik_support=0 amdgpu.cik_support=1. 1 ...