What happened to architect? : ManjaroLinux
https://www.reddit.com/.../comments/m867x9/what_happened_to_architectManjaro is a GNU/Linux distribution based on Arch. A rolling release distro featuring a user-friendly installer, tested updates and a community of friendly users for support. Official releases include Xfce, KDE, Gnome, and the minimal CLI-Installer Architect. Community releases include Awesome, bspwm, Budgie, Cinnamon, i3, LXDE, LXQT, Mate ...
Manjaro vs Arch : linuxmasterrace
www.reddit.com › comments › c3njukYeah and arch is your only option if manjaro hasn’t implemented a feature during the install process - something like f2fs for the filesystem choice (don’t know if it’s been implemented in the latest manjaro-architect). Really appreciate the architect install process, though it’s always a little behind the manual process.
What happened to architect? : ManjaroLinux
www.reddit.com › m867x9 › what_happened_to_architectManjaro is a GNU/Linux distribution based on Arch. A rolling release distro featuring a user-friendly installer, tested updates and a community of friendly users for support. Official releases include Xfce, KDE, Gnome, and the minimal CLI-Installer Architect. Community releases include Awesome, bspwm, Budgie, Cinnamon, i3, LXDE, LXQT, Mate ...
Arch Linux
https://archlinux.orgCurrently we have official packages optimized for the x86-64 architecture. We complement our official package sets with a community-operated package ...