What Are Examples of Indirect Discrimination?
www.employment-counsel.com › blog › 2021Dec 16, 2021 · If this is the case, these policies may result in indirect discrimination. One of the most common examples of this involves the Griggs v. Duke Power Company case. In this example, the power company required a high school diploma and an IQ test for employees of the company who were applying for some of their highest-paying jobs.
3 common examples of indirect discrimination | The Law Office ...
www.cohenlevylegal.com › blog › 2021/11/3-commonNov 17, 2021 · Where no accommodations can be made, indirect discrimination could occur. Indirect religious discrimination . One frequent example of indirect discrimination occurs when an employer demands that all workers work on a certain day or over the weekend. Members of certain religious groups may not be able to do this without sacrificing their way of life. If accommodations cannot be made, then indirect religious discrimination could be present. Workplace discrimination can show itself in numerous ...
Indirect Discrimination | BrightHR | BrightHR
www.brighthr.com › articles › equality-andIndirect racial discrimination. Satish has recently moved to the UK from India. He's looking for a job and sees one that he wants to apply for. But the job advert specifies that all candidates must have UK qualifications. Satish doesn't have these so doesn't apply for the job. This could be an example of indirect racial discrimination because anyone educated outside the UK can't apply for this position.