FAQ: When to use subjunctive french? - Pension info
www.lisenbyretirement.com › the-main › faq-when-to1 Using the subjunctive. In French the subjunctive is used after certain verbs and conjunctions when two parts of a sentence have different subjects. Sometimes, in a sentence like We want her to be happy, you use the infinitive of the verb in English (to be). What is an example of subjunctive mood? The subjunctive mood has one other use: to express wishes and hypothetical situations. Typically, this type of statement includes the word if.
Le subjonctif: the subjunctive in French
francais.lingolia.com › en › grammarWhen to use the subjunctive in French Phrases that take the subjunctive in French. We use the French subjunctive in subordinate clauses that start with que and after certain verbs and conjunctions. The most common subjunctive construction in French is il faut que you have to. Example: Il faut que vous partiez tout de suite. You have to leave immediately.