Who vs. Whom | Grammar Rules
https://www.grammarbook.com/grammar/whoVwhom.aspThe pronoun whom is always an object. Use whom wherever you would use the objective pronouns me, him, her, us, or them. It is not correct to say Who did you choose? We would say Whom because you choose me or them. Handy memory aid: Use this they or them method to decide whether who or whom is correct: they = who. them = whom.
Who vs. Whom | Grammar Rules
www.grammarbook.com › grammar › whoVwhomThe pronoun who is always subjective. Use who wherever you would use the subjective pronouns I, he, she, we, or they. It is correct to say Who wants to go? because we would say I want to go or We want to go. The pronoun whom is always an object. Use whom wherever you would use the objective pronouns me, him, her, us, or them.