23.03.2020 · Archer T4U adapter not detected on Manjaro Linux. I have been trying to use the Archer T4U adapter on my 5.5.8-1 Manjaro PC, without success so far. I have installed the appropriate driver as per the instructions of this Github page (including the DKMS setup). However, my computer has completely failed to detect the adapter when plugged in, I ...
07.04.2020 · I read this post and followed the instructions but they didn't work for me. I am trying to get the following Wifi USB adapter working but I am not having any luck. I have tried various kernels (4.14, 4.19 and 5.02) but no luck. I was wondering if somebody could help me troubleshoot this as I am probably doing something stupid.
22.08.2020 · I’ve been working on Manjaro for a couple of months. It’s my first time leaving Ubuntu based distros (Mint of course!) an I am pretty nervous. But the experience has been great these days, KDE ...
29.09.2016 · So i just installed Manjaro KDE fresh, but it's not recognizing my wifi adapter. For the record I'm using a netgear a6210 adapter. I type "ip link" in the terminal and it doesn't show up at all, though. Yet, it is listed if I type in "lsusb -v." Similarly if I type in "inxi -F" it does show up there as as well, though it's state is N/A, as well ...
WiFi adapter not detected I have an Asus T100TA tablet, and after breaking windows, I decided to try Manjaro, I like it this far and there are no problems expect for WiFi not working which is very very strange because touchpad works, a touchscreen works and even Bluetooth which if I know correctly is sharing antenna with WiFi works.
18.02.2021 · Hello, New to Linux here. My WiFi adapter is not recognized by the network settings. After running inxi -Fxxza It shows my device as Network: Device-1: Intel Wireless-AC 9260 driver: N/A modules: iwlwifi Not sure how to add the code block for that so I apologize. Any help with getting my Wifi recognized would be great! Thanks!
11.08.2019 · So I bought 2 x 330-15ARR laptops today. My config is slightly different - Ryzen7 2700U, but I guess wifi card is the same. Just tried installing Manjaro KDE 18.1.0 RC6 Minimal and wifi adapter is not detected. MSM says it runs kernel 5.2.4-1 (which seems to solve issue for you), so I guess I'll try the latest testing ISO now...
21.11.2020 · My network adapter shows wifi networks but does not connect. I am typing right password. ... Before manjaro KDE I was using ubuntu and it was working fine but today I installed manjaro and it stopped working. I am still new to linux, so sorry if its a dumb question.
Manjaro can not detect wifi. Tech Support [SOLVED] I just installed manjaro KDE alongside win10 and it can't detect networks. ... (Gigabyte 970A-UD3P), I seem to remember that I had to edit my grub and add iommu=soft in order for wifi to work and also some usb3 ports.
About Manjaro Working Not Wifi . For running Linux on an older PC in 2019, I’ll recommend you to go with Ubuntu MATE. In Manjaro/Arch Linux there is a package in AUR which provides the proper driver for the Wifi module: rtl8821ce-dkms-git.