Word formation: Noun and adjective suffixes
https://yeswelearn.weebly.com/uploads/4/2/0/9/42095833/word_form…Suffixes change word class, e.g. from verb to noun or noun to adjective, but they can also change meaning (see sections B and C below). Noun or verb + suffix Adjectives dangerous, famous well-known) musical, political, industrial, economical saves you money) cloudy, foggy, sunny, dirty clean) attractive pretty, nice to look at); creative ( =
Word formation: Noun and adjective suffixes
yeswelearn.weebly.com › uploads › 4/2/0Suffixes change word class, e.g. from verb to noun or noun to adjective, but they can also change meaning (see sections B and C below). Noun or verb + suffix Adjectives dangerous, famous well-known) musical, political, industrial, economical saves you money) cloudy, foggy, sunny, dirty clean) attractive pretty, nice to look at); creative ( =
Chapter 5 Word Formation
www.aast.edu › pheed › staffadminview• The most common word-formation process. • Linking affixes to words • Affixes are prefixes & suffixes & infixes. • Prefixes: beginning of words & change the meaning (un+happy=unhappy). • Suffixes: end of words & change the word class (happy+ly=happily).