08.05.2017 · This answer is not useful. Show activity on this post. /usr/lib/xorg/Xorg -core :1. Your X is running on :1 display, so you need to tell x11vnc that: $ x11vnc -display :1. I think you can also do -find to try to find the user's display automatically. Share. Follow this answer to …
27.10.2015 · Show activity on this post. Since I upgraded to wily this morning, my x11vnc server will no longer start. The usual command: sudo x11vnc -nomodtweak -forever -display :0 -auth guess. results in: 27/10/2015 21:56:57 x11vnc version: 0.9.13 lastmod: 2011-08-10 pid: 5424 27/10/2015 21:56:57 -auth guess: failed for display=':0' 27/10/2015 21:56:57 ...
Have x11vnc automatically start in Ubuntu 16.04 server without someone first logging in at the server physically 0 if a VNC server connection failed, would an active process keep running?
17.03.2021 · x11vnc not working on slackware current auth guess: failed for display='unset' I've used x11vnc (Karl Runge) for years and I love it. I've finally got …
05.10.2015 · If it is still running, go to the system tray, right-click the x11vnc icon, and choose Stop (or use any other means you choose to kill the process. Then while still in the Settings – Startup Applications screen, highlight the app and click the gear symbol at the bottom to test the launch. It should start in a few seconds.
... -auth guess: failed for display='unset'. To validate that x11vnc works fine, I simply manually run on the server : x11vnc -rfbauth /etc/x11vnc.passwd.
21.05.2017 · To make the x11vnc server service start automatically at boot up on an Ubuntu 17.04 system, perform the following actions. Downloads the vnc-startup.sh script from this location. Extract the content of the zip file. You should end up with a single file called vnc-startup.sh. make the vnc-startup.sh file executable by right-clicking on it, go to ...