Translate text from photos from English and other languages ... › ocrUse Yandex.Translate to translate text from photos into Czech, English, French, German, Italian, Polish, Portuguese, Russian, Spanish, Turkish, Ukrainian and other ...
Yandex Translate - Classic Docs › yandex-translateRequest Translation (language to Translate to, text to translate) Requests a translation to the Yandex Translate service given some text to translate and a language to translate the text to. The language must be specified in 2 digit codes e.g. 'en' for English and the list of supported languages is listed below.
Yandex.Translate: 95 languages on the App Store › in › appYandex.Translate Free translator that can work offline and translate text from photos • Translate between any pair of the 90 languages when you’re online. • Translate from French, German, Italian, Russian, Spanish, Turkish and other languages to English while offline: download these languages for free and enable the offline mode in Settings.
Yandex.Translate: 95 languages on the App Store › us › appYandex.Translate Free translator that can work offline and translate text from photos • Translate between any pair of the 90 languages when you’re online. • Translate from French, German, Italian, Russian, Spanish, Turkish and other languages to English while offline: download these languages for free and enable the offline mode in Settings.