Deciding between Buildroot & Yocto [] · Buildroot releases on a three-month cycle; each release includes package updates, new releases, and security updates. There are no "long-term support" releases with guarantees of security updates; users must handle that on their own. Yocto releases every six months, with four milestones in between each stable release.
Yocto vs Buildroot: A case study of SPEC7 › event › 921378Buildroot: To generate a dependency graph: make graph-depends make <pkg>-graph-depends To generate the build time graph make graph-build To generate filesystem size contribution make graph-size Yocto: To observe build dependencies bitbake -g <target_name> bitbake -g -u taskexp <target_name> Scripts available to generate
Deciding between Buildroot & Yocto [] › Articles › 682540Apr 06, 2016 · In short yocto/OE is the gentoo for embedded, and it's heavy and complicated, while buildroot is way more user friendly, I mean _way_ more. Yocto is good for companies like Wind River or chip vendors like Freescale/NXP, if you're doing your own board bring up, it's much easier to go with Buildroot instead, or Openwrt if you want to do a network oriented product fast.