14.05.2020 · • Zabbix 5.0.0 • Docker 19.03. In our example, the Zabbix server IP address is In our example, the Docker server IP address is Keep in mind that you need to use the new Zabbix agent to monitor a Docker server.
19.08.2015 · Monitoring of Docker containers (LXC/systemd Docker supported) - Zabbix template and Zabbix C module. Available CPU, mem, blkio container metrics and some containers config details e.g. IP, name, ...
84 rader · For Zabbix version: 5.4 and higher. The template to monitor Docker engine by Zabbix that work without any external scripts. Most of the metrics are collected in one go, thanks to Zabbix bulk data collection. Template Docker by Zabbix agent 2 — collects metrics by polling zabbix-agent2. This template was tested on:
19.12.2015 · Docker Monitoring. This Github repository provides capabilities for monitoring Docker containers through LLD (low level discovery) and by querying via the 'docker' command line interface. The associated zabbix-agent instances are required to set AllowRoot=1. This module uses Python scripts on the client-side to process the data.
15.06.2020 · share.zabbix.com will be closed soon as integrations have been migrated to GitHub. Please use GitHub repository for all your community template needs.
Dockerized Zabbix agent that is able to monitor docker containers. Uses low level discovery to find docker containers and creates items for them in Zabbix.
17.11.2021 · Zabbix Docker Monitoring. At this point, the Zabbix server is now monitoring your Docker server. In the next step, we will deploy a container and check out which metrics can be monitored. Step 4: Monitoring Docker Metrics in Zabbix Monitoring. To begin monitoring Docker metrics, we are going to launch a
03.11.2016 · Docker container monitoring with Zabbix. We setup a custom Zabbix server for our internal system monitoring purposes. Zabbix is an open source monitoring software for network and applications. Zabbix consists of a server running in a container and agents running on the machines that need to be monitored.
09.04.2020 · Hello, I needs to monitor container docker in the swarm, docker template works with agent 2, but as the container moves to the other host change name, add unique tag to name. Zabbix alerts that container does not exist. How can I monitor a container that changes name dynamically. thank you for help.
Zabbix agent 2 templates work in conjunction with the plugins. While the basic configuration can be done by simply adjusting user macros, the deeper customization can be achieved by configuring the plugin itself. For example, if a plugin supports named sessions, it is possible to monitor several entities of the same kind (e.g. MySQL1 and MySQL2) by specifying named …
In this blog post, I want to show how to monitor docker containers via the monitoring software Zabbix. The available containers will be discovered by Zabbix ...