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Acronyms and Abbreviations
Acronyms and Abbreviations. The Acronyms section of this website is powered by the Acronym Finder, the web's most comprehensive dictionary of acronyms, abbreviations and initialisms.. The Acronym Finder allows users to decipher acronyms from a database of over 1,000,000 entries covering computers, technology, telecommunications, and the military.
Examples of Acronyms
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An acronym is a pronounceable word formed from the first letter (or first few letters) of each word in a phrase or title. The newly combined letters create ...
Acronym - Wikipedia
An acronym is a word or name formed from the initial components of a longer name or phrase. Acronyms are usually formed from the initial letters of words, as in NATO (the North Atlantic Treaty Organization) and EU (the European Union), but sometimes use syllables, as in Benelux (short for Belgium, the Netherlands, and Luxembourg). They can also be a mixture, as in radar (RAdio Detection And Ranging).
Akronym – Wikipedia
Et akronym (fra gresk ἄκρος, akros, «øverst», «ytterst» og ονομα, onoma, «navn») er et initialord (forkortelse) som blir lest og uttalt som et vanlig ord, altså ikke bokstav for bokstav. Eksempler på vanlige akronymer er laser, NATO, OPEC, radar, Benelux, Donbass og BRICS. I eksempelet laser står bokstavene for «Light Amplification by Stimulated Emission of Radiation», «forsterkelse av lyssignaler ved stimulert utstråling». NATO betyr «North Atlantic Treaty Organi…
Acronyms and Abbreviations
The Acronym Finder allows users to decipher acronyms from a database of over 1,000,000 entries covering computers, technology, telecommunications, and the military. Unlike online glossaries, search engines, encyclopedias, or thesauruses, Acronym Finder exists purely to unravel the bewildering range of acronyms that impact daily life.
Acronym Definition & Meaning | Dictionary.com
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An acronym is a word formed by abbreviating a phrase by combining certain letters of words in the phrase (often the first initial of each) into a single term.
Acronym - Wikipedia
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Acronym · An acronym is a word or name formed from the initial components of a longer name or phrase. · Acronyms can be pronounced as words, like · Whereas an ...
Abbreviations and acronyms dictionary
Acronym Finder is the largest and most trusted database of over 4 million acronyms and abbreviations. What does an abbreviation stands for?
Acronym Definition & Meaning | Dictionary.com
www.dictionary.com › browse › acronym
Acronym definition, a word formed from the initial letters or groups of letters of words in a set phrase or series of words and pronounced as a separate word, as Wac from Women's Army Corps,OPEC from Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries, or loran from long-range navigation.
Acronym - Wikipedia
en.wikipedia.org › wiki › Acronym
An acronym is a word or name formed from the initial components of a longer name or phrase. Acronyms are usually formed from the initial letters of words, as in NATO (the North Atlantic Treaty Organization) and EU (the European Union), but sometimes use syllables, as in Benelux (short for Belgium, the Netherlands, and Luxembourg).
Abbreviations and acronyms dictionary - Acronym Finder
Find out what any acronym, abbreviation, or initialism stands for. With more than 1,000,000 human-edited definitions, Acronym Finder is the world's largest and most comprehensive dictionary of acronyms, abbreviations, and initialisms.
Acronym Definition & Meaning - Merriam-Webster
www.merriam-webster.com › dictionary › acronym
The meaning of ACRONYM is a word (such as NATO, radar, or laser) formed from the initial letter or letters of each of the successive parts or major parts of a compound term; also : an abbreviation (such as FBI) formed from initial letters : initialism.
Acronym - definition of acronym by The Free Dictionary
Define acronym. acronym synonyms, acronym pronunciation, acronym translation, English dictionary definition of acronym. n. 1. A word formed by …
akronym – Store norske leksikon
Akronym er ord som er laget av begynnelsesbokstavene i flere ord som følger etter hverandre, og som leses som ett ord. Eksempel NATO, UNICEF, radar, laser. Er ordene egennavn, skal de skrives med kun store bokstaver eller stor forbokstav og resten i smått. Er ordet et fellesnavn, skrives det med kun store eller kun små bokstaver. Akronymer er en type initialord.
ACRONYM | meaning in the Cambridge English Dictionary
https://dictionary.cambridge.org › ...
Grammar · Initials. An initial is the first letter of a word. · Acronyms. Acronyms are words which are formed from the first letters of other words, and which are ...
Acronym - definition of acronym by The Free Dictionary
www.thefreedictionary.com › acronym
Define acronym. acronym synonyms, acronym pronunciation, acronym translation, English dictionary definition of acronym. n. 1. A word formed by combining the initial ...
acronym - Wiktionary
https://no.wiktionary.org › wiki › acronym
EngelskRediger. SubstantivRediger. acronym (flertall: acronyms). akronym. Hentet fra «https://no.wiktionary.org/w/index.php?title=acronym&oldid=949473».
ACRONYM® GmbH. Apparel and systems design.
Abbreviations and acronyms dictionary - Acronym Finder
Find out what any acronym, abbreviation, or initialism stands for. With more than 1,000,000 human-edited definitions, Acronym Finder is the world's largest and most comprehensive dictionary of acronyms, abbreviations, and initialisms.