🇺🇸 Interactive American IPA chart
https://americanipachart.comAn American IPA chart with sounds and examples. All the sounds of American English ( General American) with: consonants, simple vowels and diphthongs. The chart is interactive, click on the symbols and illustrations! The use of animals for consonants, and colors for vowels, makes this English phonemic chart easy to remember.
Americanist phonetic notation - Wikipedia
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Americanist_phonetic_notationThere is no central authority. The Western Institute for Endangered Language Documentation (WIELD) recommends the following conventions: Advanced is ⟨C̯⟩ and retracted is ⟨C̣⟩. Geminate is ⟨C꞉⟩ or ⟨CC⟩. Glottalization is e.g. ⟨č̓⟩ or ⟨m̓⟩ (ejectives are not distinguished from other types of glottalization). Palatalization is written ⟨Cʸ⟩. Labialization, velarization, aspiration, voicelessness and prenasalization are as in the IPA. Phary…
🇺🇸 Interactive American IPA chart
americanipachart.comAn American IPA chart with sounds and examples. All the sounds of American English ( General American) with: consonants, simple vowels and diphthongs. The chart is interactive, click on the symbols and illustrations! The use of animals for consonants, and colors for vowels, makes this English phonemic chart easy to remember.
IPA Chart
https://www.ipachart.comInteractive IPA Chart. The International Phonetic Alphabet (IPA) is a set of symbols that linguists use to describe the sounds of spoken languages.
Americanist phonetic notation - Wikipedia
en.wikipedia.org › wiki › Americanist_phonetic_notationAmericanist phonetic notation, also known as the North American Phonetic Alphabet (NAPA), the Americanist Phonetic Alphabet or the American Phonetic Alphabet (APA), is a system of phonetic notation originally developed by European and American anthropologists and language scientists (many of whom were students of Neogrammarians) for the phonetic and phonemic transcription of indigenous ...