Manjaro is a seperste distro (or at least trys to) from Arch. They do not use the Arch repos but their own, an incident that is strictly unadvised by the Arch wiki (which is one of the reasons it has a bad reputation for stability issues). EndeavourOS and Arco are just install scripts that install a near vanilla version of Arch Linux.
Arch vs Artix (vs Manjaro) So I am currently using Manjaro+i3gaps and am thinking about switching (out of pure boredom) to either Artix or Arch with either sway, dwm or i3gaps. Therefore I have some questions regarding Arch and Artix:
As someone who has (and still uses) both distros, I feel that while Manjaro provides a fantastic install experience, it is a completely different beast from vanilla Arch. EndeavourOS is just an easy to install Arch: it doesn't deviate from vanilla much, if at all, and has the same Calamares installer experience. 2 Share ReportSave level 2
The only difference is ease of install, Arch is rtfm, you do it all by yourself, installing DE, drivers, etc.; While on Manjaro in other hand, it's pretty much ready to go 28 level 2 thejoe · 1y And then they forget to keep their SSL certs up to date and advise you to change your computer's time to get around it. 15 Continue this thread level 2
ArcoLinux or Manjaro. Hello, Currently running Manjaro KDE and really liking the distro. I've been looking into Arch/Arch based for a while now (originally came from fedora) and I read about ArcoLinux and tried out the plasma edition. Really digging the overall look and design. But i'm also a bit worried on the stability.
Kallestofeles. · 2y. Even though Manjaro uses Arch very, very deep in its core, it is heavily modified and is more of an "arch-like" by now. Sure, you get to tinker around but you get that with almost every linux distro.
12.02.2021 · All that aside I am using both, Arch linux and Manjaro and must say that Arch is slightly more stable for me than Manjaro. It’s not HW issues, it’s breakages due to the opinionated defaults that Manjaro put in place for their flagship isos and base skels. If I went the Manjaro Architect route, then I would probably had the stablest system ever.
Though Manjaro and arch can be considered same, it is not 100% true. It's a customized arch based distro with controlled package release cycle. Good thing about Manjaro is the community. It's much more noob friendly. If you are looking for docs or wiki, nothing could beat the arch wiki. 4 level 1 JavaCafe01 · 2y