BU Hub - Boston University
https://www.bu.edu/hubHub Courses. The breadth of courses and subjects included in the BU Hub allows students to pursue their interests while preparing for a life of learning and leading. See all Hub Courses. Cross-College Challenge. Engage in real-world challenges with juniors and seniors from across BU. Learn More. The BU Hub: Boston University's General Education ...
Hub Courses | BU Hub - Boston University
https://www.bu.edu/hub/hub-coursesClick below to explore all the courses that carry Hub units, organized by Hub capacity and area. Courses in Philosophical, Aesthetic, and Historical Interpretation Philosophical Inquiry and Life’s Meanings Aesthetic Exploration Historical Consciousness View Courses Courses in Scientific and Social Inquiry Scientific Inquiry I Scientific Inquiry II
BU Hub » Academics | Boston University
https://www.bu.edu/academics/hubThe BU Hub, Boston University’s general education program, provides a common educational experience for all BU undergraduates. It offers them the opportunity to develop the breadth of knowledge, essential skills, and habits of mind that will enable them to be lifelong learners and leaders in a rapidly evolving, interconnected, and globalized world.