Episode Order - Buzzsprout Help
www.buzzsprout.com › help › 49-episode-orderIn Buzzsprout, we organize your episodes based on their publish date. If you need to change the order of your episodes then you will want to update the publish date to get the desired order. Once the publish dates are changed in Buzzsprout it may take up to 24 hours to see the order change in your listings. Note: If any two episodes have the same publish date then we order them based on when ...
Episode Order - Buzzsprout Help
https://www.buzzsprout.com/help/49-episode-orderEpisode Order In Buzzsprout, we organize your episodes based on their publish date. If you need to change the order of your episodes then you will want to update the publish date to get the desired order. Once the publish dates are changed in Buzzsprout it may take up to 24 hours to see the order change in your listings.
buzzsprout-api/episodes.md at master - GitHub
github.com › buzzsprout › buzzsprout-apiCreate episode. POST /episodes.json will create a new episode with the included parameters. This will return 201 Created, with the current JSON representation of the episode if the creation was a success. To send an audio file or artwork file: Instead of sending the audio_url param you can send the actual file as an attachment with the audio ...