Chapter 3 Chebyshev Expansions - SIAM The Runge phenomenon and the Chebyshev nodes Given a function fwhich is continuous on [a,b], we may try to approximate the function by a Lagrange interpolating polynomial. We could naively think that as more nodes are considered, the approximation will always be more accurate, but this is not always true. The main question to be addressed is
Chebyshev nodes - Wikipedia › wiki › Chebyshev_nodesChebyshev nodes. The Chebyshev nodes are equivalent to the x coordinates of n equally spaced points on a unit semicircle (here, n =10). In numerical analysis, Chebyshev nodes are specific real algebraic numbers, namely the roots of the Chebyshev polynomials of the first kind.
Chapter 3 Chebyshev Expansions - SIAM › books › ot993.2.1 The Runge phenomenon and the Chebyshev nodes Given a function fwhich is continuous on [a,b], we may try to approximate the function by a Lagrange interpolating polynomial. We could naively think that as more nodes are considered, the approximation will always be more accurate, but this is not always true. The main question to be addressed is
Chebyshev nodes - Wikipedia numerical analysis, Chebyshev nodes are specific real algebraic numbers, namely the roots of the Chebyshev polynomials of the first kind. They are often used as nodes in polynomial interpolation because the resulting interpolation polynomial minimizes the effect of Runge's phenomenon.