Generalized Chebyshev polynomials of the second kind › math › issuesThe Chebyshev polynomial of the second kind of order n is de ned as follows: Un(x) = sin[(n+1)cos 1(x)] sin[cos 1(x)];x 2 [ 1;1]; n = 0;1;2;:::: (1.10) From this de nition, the following property is evident: Un(x) = sin(n+1) sin ; x = cos : (1.11) The Chebyshev polynomials are special cases of Jacobi polynomials P( ; ) n (x); and related as Un(x) = (n+1) (n+ 1 2 n) 1 P(1 2; 1 2) n (x): (1.12) Authors are not uniform in orthogonal polynomials notations, and for convenience we recall the ...
Chebyshev polynomials - Wikipedia Chebyshev polynomials are two sequences of polynomials related to the cosine and sine functions, notated as and . They can be defined several ways that have the same end result; in this article the polynomials are defined by starting with trigonometric functions: The Chebyshev polynomials of the first kind are given by Similarly, define the Chebyshev polynomials of the second kind as