CMake: How do I get the project's directory from the toolchain file? How can I exclude a particular file from test coverage analysis? How do I grep and output certain words from a file until it detects a certain pattern?
Nov 09, 2021 · This answer is not useful. Show activity on this post. How to exclude multiple files in a single exclude regex command? Simply write a regex that matches multiple files. Remember about double escaping in CMake. list (FILTER lib_srcs EXCLUDE REGEX "^ (file1|file2|file3)$") Consider doing a function (untested, written here): function (exclude ...
By default GLOB lists directories - directories are omited in result if LIST_DIRECTORIES is set to false. Note. We do not recommend using GLOB to collect a list ...
[CMake] Exclude CMakeFiles path from GLOB_RECURSE Diablo 666 2010-07-01 07:45:07 UTC. ... If you insist on using GLOB_RECURSE, don't apply it to CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR, but use GLOB on the CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR and use GLOB_RECURSE on …
list(FILTER lib_srcs EXCLUDE REGEX ".*b44ExpLogTable\\.cpp$") Here is Regex Specification for cmake: The following characters have special meaning in regular expressions: ^ Matches at the beginning of input $ Matches at the end of input .
GLOB_RECURSE will generate a list similar to the regular GLOB, except it will traverse all the subdirectories of the matched directory and match the files.
# try to replace substring with empty string, compare to original: string (REPLACE ${EXCLUDE_DIR} "" REPLACED_PATH ${TMP_PATH}) string (COMPARE EQUAL ${TMP_PATH} ${REPLACED_PATH} EXCLUDE_DIR_FOUND) NOTE: GLOB_RECURSE is considered to be root of all evil. NOTE2: another thing to be aware of - CMake bug in matching empty variable to string.
list(FILTER lib_srcs EXCLUDE REGEX ".*b44ExpLogTable\\.cpp$") Here is Regex Specification for cmake: The following characters have special meaning in regular expressions: ^ Matches at the beginning of input $ Matches at the end of input .
How do I exclude a directory, like `node_modules` from Android Studio's Open File window? How do I exclude a .css file from loading in application.scss in Rails? How do I exclude all subdirectories from Gradle zip task using Ant include/exclude pattern?
09.11.2021 · Refer to this: How do I exclude a single file from a cmake `file(GLOB ... )` pattern? How to exclude multiple files in a single exclude regex command? Thank You. cmake. Share. Improve this question. Follow asked Nov 9, 2021 at 9:47. …