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cmake glob_recurse exclude directory

How to use cmake GLOB_RECURSE for only some subdirectories
town-and-cooking.com › how-to-use-cmake-glob
You can also exclude Test dir by filtering the globbed list : file (GLOB_RECURSE ENDF6_SRC $ {PROJECT_SOURCE_DIR} *.cpp) list (FILTER ENDF6_SRC EXCLUDE REGEX "$ {PROJECT_SOURCE_DIR}/Test/.*" )
cmake/CMakeLists.txt - skia - Git at Google
https://chromium.googlesource.com › ...
Users should be able to use Skia with only include/ directories that are not ... public_includes ${private_includes}) # Easiest way to exclude private.
CMake file(GLOB_RECURSE) to find one file per directory ...
06.06.2019 · The list returned by file (GLOB_RECURSE ... is a superset of the desired result. Thus one possible solution is to post process the returned list by only selecting the first match returned for each directory. The following CMake function sketches the necessary steps:
file — CMake 3.23.0-rc3 Documentation
cmake.org › cmake › help
New in version 3.3: By default GLOB lists directories - directories are omitted in result if LIST_DIRECTORIES is set to false. New in version 3.12: If the CONFIGURE_DEPENDS flag is specified, CMake will add logic to the main build system check target to rerun the flagged GLOB commands at build time.
CMakeLists.txt [plain text] - Apple Open Source
https://opensource.apple.com › clang
txt' and the directory " "`CMakeFiles'. Please delete them.") endif() if( NOT CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR STREQUAL CMAKE_BINARY_DIR ) file(GLOB_RECURSE ...
Control source, library, and exclude directories | CLion
https://www.jetbrains.com › help
For CMake projects, these actions can't be applied to generation folders (cmake-build-debug/cmake-build-release by default). You can change the ...
Exclude subdirectories by pattern · Issue #92 · git-afsantos/haros
https://github.com › haros › issues
E.g., CLion will create a cmake-build-debug folder in which haros finds ... In this list you can add glob patterns that will match paths of ...
[CMake] Exclude CMakeFiles path from GLOB_RECURSE
cmake.org › pipermail › cmake
Is there any way to exclude this directory within the file command? > > Best regards, > Andreas 1. Never use GLOB_RECURSE. It's evil. E.g. if you add or remove source files, CMake has no way of knowing that it should be re-run.
[CMake] Exclude CMakeFiles path from GLOB_RECURSE
Is there any way to exclude this directory within the file command? > > Best regards, > Andreas 1. Never use GLOB_RECURSE. It's evil. E.g. if you add or remove source files, CMake has no way of knowing that it should be re-run.
[cmake] cmake`file (GLOB…)`패턴에서 단일 파일을 제외하려면 ...
http://daplus.net › cmake-cmakefil...
FILTER는 경우에 따라 더 편리 할 수있는 또 다른 옵션입니다. list(FILTER <list> <INCLUDE|EXCLUDE> REGEX <regular_expression>). 이 행은 필수 파일 이름으로 끝나는 ...
add support for extended glob syntax (#22600) · Issues
https://gitlab.kitware.com › cmake
API to which I'm refering to: https://cmake.org/cmake/help/latest/command/file.html#glob CMake 3.20.3 Given directory tree:
[CMake] Exclude CMakeFiles path from GLOB_RECURSE
file (GLOB_RECURSE Files_CPP *.cpp) add_executable(test ${Files_CPP}) Everything runs fine while using an out-of-source build, but for in-source builds these lines include .cpp files from the CMakeFiles directory. Is there any way to exclude this directory within the file command? Best regards, Andreas
Excluding directory somewhere in file structure from cmake ...
https://stackoverflow.com › exclud...
One of the ways, I suppose, would be just like this: set (EXCLUDE_DIR "/hide/") file (GLOB_RECURSE SOURCE_FILES "*.cpp" "*.c") foreach ...
CMake exclude files from a given pattern after file(GLOB_RECURSE)
stackoverflow.com › questions › 32016750
There is no EXCLUDE option for file (GLOB_RECURSE ...) command flow. You probably take this option from file (COPY|INSTALL ...), which is a different command flow. You may iterate over list, obtained from file (GLOB_RECURSE) and exclude needed files manually: macro ( add_recursive dir retVal) # Store unfiltered list of files into temporary list file ( GLOB_RECURSE _tmp_list $ {dir}/*.h $ {dir}/*.cpp $ {dir}/*.c $ {dir}/*.inl ) # Resulted list is initially empty.
[CMake] Exclude CMakeFiles path from GLOB_RECURSE
cmake.org › pipermail › cmake
Jul 01, 2010 · Never use GLOB_RECURSE. It's evil. E.g. if you add or remove source files, CMake has no way of knowing that it should be re-run. > I have tested rerunning cmake manually and it worked out well. (Testcase: I added a new .cpp file to the build) I either have to change the CMakeLists.txt or to rerun cmake manually. Seems to be the same effort for me.
[CMake] Exclude CMakeFiles path from GLOB_RECURSE
cmake.cmake.narkive.com › ACNYxekk › exclude-files
If you insist on using GLOB_RECURSE, don't apply it to CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR, but use GLOB on the CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR and use GLOB_RECURSE on all the subdirectories individually, so you don't get CMake-generated stuff. Also, you could filter out all the items contained in the CMakeFiles directory:
[CMake] Exclude CMakeFiles path from GLOB_RECURSE
https://cmake.org › 2010-July
[CMake] Exclude CMakeFiles path from GLOB_RECURSE ... filter out all the items contained in the CMakeFiles directory: file(GLOB_RECURSE SRCS ...
Excluding a directory name in a zsh recursive glob - Unix ...
https://unix.stackexchange.com › e...
@Gilles all the cmake-* folders I wanted to exclude are in my current directory and I wanted to exclude them all. I tried your first solution ...
CMake exclude files from a given pattern after file(GLOB ...
There is no EXCLUDE option for file (GLOB_RECURSE ...) command flow. You probably take this option from file (COPY|INSTALL ...), which is a different command flow. You may iterate over list, obtained from file (GLOB_RECURSE) and exclude needed files manually:
[CMake] Exclude CMakeFiles path from GLOB_RECURSE
01.07.2010 · Never use GLOB_RECURSE. It's evil. E.g. if you add or remove source files, CMake has no way of knowing that it should be re-run. > I have tested rerunning cmake manually and it worked out well. (Testcase: I added a new .cpp file to the build) I either have to change the CMakeLists.txt or to rerun cmake manually. Seems to be the same effort for me.