Guest Network - DD-WRT Wiki › wiki › indexReference: DD-WRT Guest Wireless. Section Wireless-> Basic Settings tab “Add” a “Virtual Interface”, give this guest network a separate SSID, and “Enable” “AP Isolation”. Click Save, then Apply; Wireless Security tab: also use a separate password, and WPA2 AES security Click Save, then Apply; Section Setup-> Networking tab
Question about AP Isolation : DDWRT › question_about_ap_isolationAfter installing my R700 with DD-WRT version 12-30-2021-r47942 and SFE enabled, my wired cat6 speeds drop to barely 400 Mbps up & down. Kong states in a 2017 DD-WRT thread that an R7000 w/ SFE can reach 650Mbps incoming & 900Mbps outgoing. With SFE enabled, QoS disabled, and WAN set to DHCP, I cannot reach the speeds Kong is talking about.
Guest WiFi + abuse control for beginners - DD-WRT Wiki › wiki › indexAP Isolation drops all traffic between clients connected to the VAP. If you want secure Guest WiFI its recommended to enable this feature to help mitigate Wi-Fi snooping attacks. Set Network Configuration to Unbridged , Enable NAT (so that guest can have internet), enable Net isolation (this option creates a couple of firewall rules that blocks ...