14.04.2020 · Wayland is enabled Wayland is disabled Restart GDM3 or reboot your Ubuntu 20.04 desktop: $ sudo systemctl restart gdm3 To login to Ubuntu 20.04 using the Wayland click on the gear button and select Ubuntu on Wayland option before you login.
Xorg. 5. level 1. nixeldev. · 3y. From the download page on manjaro.org, describing the Gnome edition: “The GNOME Desktop Environment is being developed as part of the GNU Project, aiming to be simple and easy to use and is fully accessible. Its default display server is Wayland. While the appearance is unique it remains very customizable ...
13.07.2021 · Keyboard/trackpad disable when laptop is rotated - the keyboard is still active and with any slight pressure a key can be touched or trackpad activated On-screen keyboard does not show - should it? I also looked at the Arch Wiki: Tablet PC - ArchWiki but it is unclear which path to take for this because many of the things suggested there are for X11 and not Wayland.
24.05.2021 · F34: Switch default from Wayland to X11 (SDDM) Not documented anywhere. In any event Wayland doesn’t scroll properly (at least for me) and I cannot figure out a way to change the default. Thank you for the advice. The OP and myself are looking for a way to configure KDE (sddm) and not Gnome (gdm) to not use Wayland.
How do I disable mouse acceleration on xfce (with wayland) Hello I just installed garuda sway and I don't know how to disable mouse acceleration. All I could find was how to disable it on gnome or on x11.
Wayland has a great deal of problems currently (you can't use OBS with it for example).Many people don't find an option by default in their login screen to s...
22.11.2020 · Disable Wayland in Manjaro GNOME. Support. Gnome. wayland, gnome. NewbieInLinux 23 November 2020 08:00 #1. Hi there. I have to install Anydesk/Teamviewer on my Manjaro GNOME (Linux 5.8.18-1-MANJARO x86_64 20.2 Nibia), which don’t support Wayland at all. I can’t switch ...
14.03.2019 · Switched from Manjaro KDE (full wipe/reinstall) and I have no option to select wayland on GDM. that is how it should be, then reboot. Thanks. Solved. I didn't reboot it, just logoff/on. After reboot wayland session is available and working. I didn't switched to =true parameter, just commented the line - seems to be working.