DNSmasq详细解析及详细配置 - 云+社区 - 腾讯云
https://cloud.tencent.com/developer/article/1174717Dnsmasq will discard world # requests to them, but the paranoid might like to close them and let the # kernel handle them: bind-interfaces # Dynamic range of IPs to make available to LAN pc dhcp-range=,,12h # If you’d like to have dnsmasq assign static IPs, bind the LAN computer's # NIC MAC address: dhcp-host=aa ...
dnsmasq - Debian Wiki
https://wiki.debian.org/dnsmasqDnsmasq is a lightweight, easy to configure, DNS forwarder and DHCP server. It is designed to provide DNS and optionally, DHCP, to a small network. It can serve the names of local machines which are not in the global DNS. The DHCP server integrates with the DNS server and allows machines with DHCP-allocated addresses to appear in the DNS with ...