index - duckduckgo - reddit DuckDuckGo generates revenue in two ways, while upholding our privacy policy: Advertising. Affiliate revenue. It is a myth that search engines need to track you to make money on Web search. When you type in a search, we can show an ad just based on that search term. For example, if you type in, "car" we show a car ad.
Pornography at DuckDuckGo your friends and family join the Duck Side! $2,650,000 in privacy donations! Over 78 Billion anonymous searches. Learn why reducing tracking is important. Twitter. Reddit. Blog. Newsletter. All regions. Safe search: moderate. Any time
DuckDuckGo at DuckDuckGo Your Devices. Check out our privacy device guides. Spread DuckDuckGo. Help your friends and family join the Duck Side! $2,650,000 in privacy donations! Over 78 Billion anonymous searches. Learn why reducing tracking is important.
DuckDuckGo - reddit like to keep the DuckDuckGo subreddit friendly, suitable for children (13+), and free of political discussion that risks leading to personal insults. We recommend /r/politics for anything related to politics. Rude, vulgar, and/or politically charged posts or replies are subject to removal and may lead to further moderation action. Thanks!