Nextcloud Hub by Viakom and IONOS – Nextcloud and collaborate on documents, send and receive email, manage your calendar and have video chats without data leaks. Hosted in the trusted and security-certified German data centers of IONOS and protected and managed by the capable engineers of Viakom, Nextcloud Hub provides the benefits of online collaboration without the compliance and security risks.
Managed Nextcloud | Viakom Nextcloud ist eine professionelle Kollaborations-Lösung für kleine und mittelgroße Unternehmen. Im Vordergrund stehen DSGVO-konformer Datenaustausch, Speicherung, Multi Challenge Kommunikation. Cloud Services made in Germany. Die DSGVO-konforme Kollaborationsplattform. Mit Managed Nextcloud bleiben Ihre Dokumente 100% vertraulich.
Providers – Nextcloud providers. Private or small business users are usually best served by our Simple Signup providers, either with an account on a shared instance or a small, private Nextcloud setup. Larger teams and organizations find excellent services at one of our certified partners.
Managed Nextcloud - ICONZ-Webvisions Talk application within the Managed Nextcloud Standard Plan consists of three distinct features; Chat Messages, Audio Call and Video Call. There is no performance and usage limit on users for the Chat Messages. For optimum performance, the Audio Call feature can support up to a maximum of 10 users in a single session.