08.12.2018 · Raspberry Pi 2 Model B running the unifi controller version 5.9.29 (and a few other bits not relevant for this post) All software and firmware is updated to …
15.12.2020 · Unifi Configuration for Pi-hole Setup If you’ve made it this far, you should now have a 2-node Pi-hole failover cluster interacting with a single virtual IP address that can be used for any DNS configuration of clients on your network.
13.11.2021 · The command for the script is in a pinned comment down below. Youtube currently shortens the links in the description of a video, so I can't post it here.Vie...
18.12.2020 · pihole -up The Unifi Controller web UI will notify you when a new version has been released and typically provide a download link – do not click the link. Instead ssh into the RPi as before and issue the following commands: sudo apt update; sudo apt upgrade -y which will also update any other software on the RPi.