English Predicate Logic
cs.odu.edu › ~toida › nerzicTranscribing English to Predicate Logic wffs Subjects to be Learned. Translating English sentences to wff Contents English sentences appearing in logical reasoning can be expressed as a wff. This makes the expressions compact and precise. It thus eliminates possibilities of misinterpretation of sentences.
sentence to predicate logic converter
johnnymatos.com › tpmj67i › sentence-to-predicateJul 01, 2021 · Represent the following paragraph using predicate logic and convert each sentence into clausual form. 34 Propositional Logic Problem If the unicorn is mythical, then it is immortal, but if it is not mythical then it is a mortal Predicate logic helps us e xpress the truth-conditional content of these English sentences, but it does not capture ...
English to Logic
www.cs.miami.edu › Content › EnglishToLogicEvery predicate logic expression can be cast in prenex normal form. Translating English sentences into prenex normal form is easier and more natural for most people than using any other format. For example, ∀X(a(X) ⇒ ∀Y (b(Y) ⇒ c(Y))) can be restated in prenex normal form as ∀X ∀Y (a(X) ⇒ (b(Y) ⇒ c(Y))).
https://logictools.orgOnline logic solvers. ... Solve a predicate logic reasoning task: help. % a simple example: using two facts and two rules, find a grandson of john ...