Riemann hypothesis - Wikipedia
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Riemann_hypothesisThe practical uses of the Riemann hypothesis include many propositions known to be true under the Riemann hypothesis, and some that can be shown to be equivalent to the Riemann hypothesis. Riemann's explicit formula for the number of primes less than a given numberin terms of a sum over the zeros of the Riemann zeta function says that the magnitude of the oscillations of prime…
How many primes are there?
primes.utm.edu › howmanyThe prime number theorem clearly implies that you can use x/(ln x - a) (with any constant a) to approximate π(x). The prime number theorem was stated with a=0, but it has been shown that a=1 is the best choice. There are longer tables below and (of π(x) only) above.
The Gaps Between Primes
primes.utm.edu › notes › gapsAgain, the prime number theorem proves that the average value of g(p)/log p is one, but what do we know of the sequence {g(p)/logp}? Ricci showed that set of limit points of this set has positive Lebesgue measure, but so far the only proven limit point is infinity (mentioned above) [see EE85, p22].
A Comprehensive Course in Analysis - Preview
www.math.caltech.edu › simon › ComprehensiveCoursePreviewPart 2a Basic Complex Analysis. Cauchy Integral Theorem, Consequences of the Cauchy Integral Theorem (including holomorphic iff analytic, Local Behavior, Phragm n-Lindel f, Reflection Principle, Calculation of Integrals), Montel, Vitali and Hurwitz’s Theorems, Fractional Linear Transformations, Conformal Maps, Zeros and Product Formulae, Elliptic Functions, Global Analytic Functions, Picard ...