Distance Between Primes - MathNovatory
www.mathnovatory.com › distanceby using the inverse of the average of the distances between them. Establishing - or + By applying the indications of -and + associated with each Distance size, it is possible to establish the sign of each Prime Number, or, in other words, on which side of a 6n Fence it is: "-" = -1 (below a 6n Fence), "+" = +1 (above a 6n Fence).
Prime gap - Wikipedia
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Prime_gapA prime gap is the difference between two successive prime numbers. The n-th prime gap, denoted gn or g(pn) is the difference between the (n + 1)-th and the n-th prime numbers, i.e. We have g1 = 1, g2 = g3 = 2, and g4 = 4. The sequence (gn) of prime gaps has been extensively studied; however, many
Table of Known Maximal Gaps between Primes
primes.utm.edu › notes › GapsTableLet p be a prime and q be the next prime. Some define the gap between these two primes to be the number of composites between them, so g = q - p - 1 (and the gap following the prime 2 has length 0). Others define it to be simply q - p (so the gap following the prime 2 has the length 1). On these pages we use the former definition.
Prime gap - Wikipedia
en.wikipedia.org › wiki › Prime_gapFrom Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. Prime gap frequency distribution for primes up to 1.6 billion. Peaks occur at multiples of 6. A prime gap is the difference between two successive prime numbers. The n -th prime gap, denoted gn or g ( pn) is the difference between the ( n + 1)-th and the n -th prime numbers, i.e.