18.02.2018 · I'm using a Postgres container to get my Nextcloud Database running, I followed some tutorials here and there when I set it all up, all was working great. This morning, Postgres was not running, checked the logs : My container was using the postgres:latest tag, so I guess it auto-updated to the latest 14 version.
29.07.2018 · This is a tutorial on how to install Nextcloud as a docker container on unRAID. It shows how to use it with a mariaDB database to greatly improve performance...
I just got nextcloud setup using the linuxserver.io container. It is VERY slow for some reason. Logging in takes about 15 seconds. Clicking around in the UI is also extremely slow. I'm using a dedicated mariaDB instance, no reverse proxy. Its slow on LAN and WAN. Any idea where I can look to try to figure out wtf is going on here
SSH into unraid and run sudo docker exec -u abc nextcloud /usr/bin/php /config/www/nextcloud/occ db:convert-type --all-apps --port PORT --password "YOUR_PASSWORD" pgsql nextcloud CONTAINER_IP nextclouddb Assuming your nextcloud container is called nextcloud, just replace the port, password, and ip or host name of the postgresql container. 4 …
27.04.2019 · Creating a next cloud server on unraid. For the sub-domain i want to use "nextcloud.target-bravo.com" you need to enter "nextcloud" in the name field. then you enter the IP address of your server in the IP address field. then you add host and this step is done.
29.04.2018 · Check out today’s Tech News headlines at https://TechCoreNews.com Hi Everyone! Sorry for the background noise (construction going on) and the knocking sound...
28.07.2016 · For database name I’m using nextcloud; Replace localhost with your Unraid ip address and the host port of MariaDB (For me that is Setting Up An Apache Reverse Proxy. I’m going to show the two different ways to reverse proxy nextcloud with Apache.
07.10.2019 · How to install Nextcloud 17 on Debian Buster with postgreSQL 11.5 php7.3-fpm Apache2 and HTTP/2. By Markus Weingärtner 7. Oktober 2019 7. Oktober 2019 nextcloud. Last week I published how to Install Nextcloud 17 with MariaDB as Database-Backend, but I believe using postgreSQL is a good alternative.
12.06.2021 · UNRAID – Nextcloud + PostgreSQL Änderungsstand: 2021-06-12 Nextcloud mit PostgreSQL Ja es funktioniert. Aber ich bemerke keinen nennenswerten Geschwindigkeitsschub. Ob man nun zu PostgreSQL wechselt oder man MariaDB verwendet, ist jedem selbst überlassen.