Veeam issues - Spiceworks · Some NAS have this issue when all the bandwidth is used during the backup, so when veeam etc need to access files and folders, they suddenly get timed-out or credential issues. For this, you may want to reconnect the NAS to the domain and then split the NIC ports (un-team if possible) so that only one NAS NIC is "congested" during backups and ...
KB1735: The specified network name is no longer available › kb1735Feb 22, 2013 · If the network is still congested after limiting the repository data rate, and the source of the congestion is due to other Veeam processes, enable throttling for the relevant connections. Change the gateway server in the repository settings to test whether particular routes to the share perform better than others.
KB3077: Veeam Agent backup job fails with "Failed to call RPC ... › kb3077Dec 26, 2019 · Take the last part of the session name and convert the HEX value into Decimal: Open PowerShell. Paste the last part of the session name (after the last dash). Add 0x before the last part of the session name. Return to Command Prompt. Type the following WMI query to retrieve all objects related to the session and the name of the account:
RPC function call failed. Function name ... - Veeam Software · Cause The issue is related to an RPC change introduced with a Microsoft security update KB 3067505 . Solution You can obtain a hotfix for Veeam Backup & Replication version 8.0 by contacting Veeam Support. Please refer to issue 54622. For version 7.0 the only workaround is to uninstall update KB3067505 from Veeam B&R server. More information