04.12.2017 · Can't find any documentation on the ERROR_BAD_NET_NAME. Some additional insight, the cluster was previously a member of the domain, but an admin mistakenly removed the membership via the OneFS GUI. I thought it might be related to the machine account existing in AD, so I've removed it to no avail.
22.02.2013 · When accessing backup files on a CIFS (SMB) repository, Veeam Backup and Replication reports either of the following errors: The specified network name is no longer available. (code 59, 0x8007003B)
14.07.2014 · If your Windows Server 2008 box is in a WorkGroup and you require access to one of the admin shares, it can be a little more complicated than with Server 2003.I had to setup a Veeam backup job for backing up a VM running Windows 2008 in WorkGroup. Initial backup job with default settings went…
31.03.2015 · Yet when I go to run a VEEAM Backup Job, I get this error: 4/18/2014 9:03:16 AM :: Processing 'Backup Server' Error: Client error: The network path was not found. Agent failed to process method {Stg.OpenReadWrite}. It actually creates a folder and a 1K file of the backup image file but nothing else.
06.10.2021 · (error_bad_net_name). Trying to ping the IP and DNS worked fine I was trying to Authenticate using .\Administrator ( Which should use its …
22.12.2017 · When trying to upgrade or deploy the Veeam Agent for Windows from a Veeam Backup and Replication server, you may come across ERROR_BAD_NETPATH. I walk through some things to check to resolve the issue.
26.12.2019 · Take the last part of the session name and convert the HEX value into Decimal: Open PowerShell. Paste the last part of the session name (after the last dash). Add 0x before the last part of the session name. Return to Command Prompt. Type the following WMI query to retrieve all objects related to the session and the name of the account:
Admin$ share inaccessible from network This is often found as a Veeam Backup warning error ... Code: 1203 Cannot connect to the host's administrative share.
12.05.2017 · Make sure the Windows time on the Veeam Backup server is the same as in the guest OS. Make sure you do not have a firewall in the way (you can try disabling it for testing). Make sure you can connect to the admin share (for example, \\Server Name\admin$) with the same credentials as provided to Veeam Backup & Replication for VSS.
12.01.2012 · Win32 error:The network name cannot be found. Code: 67 ' Failed to index guest file system. Veeam Guest Agent is not started. In the same group - 2 x 2012 hosts and a PfSense firewall are backing up successfully with no issues. Problem seems to …