Unable to install backup agent: cannot connect to NewName.domain.com Error: ... but different connection point NewName.domain.com I've already removed the OldName from the Inventory within B&R, it's no longer in AD either, yet I'm still getting ... To ‘EnableSystemUuidFailover’ key should be added on each Veeam Agent host with non-unique ID.
13.12.2019 · I am trying to install a Veeam Backup and Replication agent to an Exchange server, but it fails on me with the following error:"Installing package Veeam Agent for Windows Error:... [SOLVED] Veeam Agent Fails to Install - Spiceworks
18.12.2017 · NEW PC - Unable to install backup agent: cannot connect to K3PC04 Error: Failed to resolve host name 'K3PC04'. PC with VAW used previously: Cannot connect to K3PC01 Details: The network path was not found. The network path was not found. (ERROR_BAD_NETPATH). I working without AD, file sharing are enabled on both VBR and PC's.
24.10.2019 · Re: Unable to install backup agent. The network path was not found. Yes, you can install standalone agent manually. The link is correct. From Veeam B&R server side you can also try to use the host name instead of IP address (if admin share via host name works correctly that would be a good thing to try).
10.09.2021 · Veeam Support Knowledge Base answer to: Rescan fails with "Unable to install backup agent: cannot connect to Error: Known agent have the same bios uuid but different connection point ."
14.07.2014 · If your Windows Server 2008 box is in a WorkGroup and you require access to one of the admin shares, it can be a little more complicated than with Server 2003.I had to setup a Veeam backup job for backing up a VM running Windows 2008 in WorkGroup. Initial backup job with default settings went…
05.10.2021 · Note: To ensure that Veeam backup agent can be installed on client computers, make sure that:. Remote computers are powered on.; Remote computers on which you plan to install Veeam backup agent have access to the Internet. [For Veeam Agent for Microsoft Windows] Remote computers are configured to allow installation: the File and Printer Sharing …
21.06.2019 · I get the error: "Unable to install backup agent: cannot connect to Error: The user name or password is incorrect". . But this credentials are correct, were checked successfully and the user is member of the local administrators group. My Backup-jobs fail any time, no matter if the group is enabled or disabled.
06.10.2021 · To install Veeam Agent on a protected computer: Open the Inventory view. In the inventory pane, expand the Physical Infrastructure node and select the necessary protection group. In the working area, select the necessary computer and click Install Agent on the ribbon or right-click the computer and select Agent > Install backup agent. NOTE.
23.06.2021 · Unable to install backup agent: cannot connect to <servername> Error: Access is denied. When rescanning an individual server within a Protection Group the log file for that action can be found here: C:\ProgramData\Veeam\Backup\Rescan\Rescan_of_<servername>\Job.Rescan_of_<servername>.log