Zabbix is a mostly self contained monitoring tool whereas Prometheus is more like a set of tools in a monitoring stack more similar to ELK stack in design. 13. level 1. InitializedVariable. · 2m. Completely different models. Both are fine tools that can provide great benefits.
prometheus is a pull based, metric oriented approach to monitoring. Unlike blackbox monitoring, you expose the internals of your application to prometheus, which treats time series data as a first order citizen. It comes with a query language, promql to slice and join data sources.
09.02.2016 · Zabbix is older than Prometheus and probably more stable, with more ready-to-use solutions. Zabbix has a core written in C and a web UI based on PHP. Also it uses "agents" (client-side programs) written in C. Prometheus is written in the Go language.
Prometheus vs Zabbix: What are the differences? Prometheus: An open-source service monitoring system and time series database, developed by SoundCloud.
- Prometheus + Alertmanager, Grafana, various Prometheus Exporters depending on the environment and services/nodes to be monitored. - Prometheus as the DS. Prometheus scrapes so called "exporters", which means it regularly calls an HTTP endpoint to collect metrics (in a human-readable format, line-based), which it then stores local (unless you're using a remote …
Prometheus vs Zabbix: What are the differences? Prometheus: An open-source service monitoring system and time series database, developed by SoundCloud.Prometheus is a systems and service monitoring system. It collects metrics from configured targets at given intervals, evaluates rule expressions, displays the results, and can trigger alerts if some condition is …