International Journal of Agriculture and Food Science
www.agriculturaljournals.comInternational Journal of Agriculture and Food Science is a peer reviewed, indexed, refereed and open access journal. Considers review and research articles related to agricultural economics, agro-ecosystems, Crop physiology, crop production and management, agro-climatology and agronomic modeling, farmers psychology, plant-soil relationships, crop quality and post …
International Journal of Food Science and Nutrition
www.foodsciencejournal.comOffice: +91-9999888931. Head: +91-9999888671. Nikhil Gupta. ISSN: 2455-4898. Research Journal Impact Factor: RJIF 8. Indexed Journal. Refereed Journal. Peer Reviewed Journal. International Journal of Food Science and Nutrition is indexed, refereed, peer reviewed, open access journal, publishing high quality papers on food science and nutrition.
International Journal of Agriculture and Food Science
www.agriculturaljournals.comInternational Journal of Agriculture and Food Science is a peer reviewed, indexed, refereed and open access journal. Considers review and research articles related to agricultural economics, agro-ecosystems, Crop physiology, crop production and management, agro-climatology and agronomic modeling, farmers psychology, plant-soil relationships, crop quality and post-harvest physiology, Cropping ...