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mathematica find index of element in list

Position—Wolfram Language Documentation
reference.wolfram.com › language › ref
Position [expr, pattern] tests all the subparts of expr in turn to try and find ones that match pattern. Position returns a list of positions in a form suitable for use in Extract, ReplacePart, and MapAt. The form is different from the one used in Part. Position looks only for matches to values in Association objects that appear in expr.
Find the largest element in a list and its position? - Online ...
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findLargest1 [list_List] := Module [ {max, poss}, (* Find largest element in list *) {max} = TakeLargest [list, 1]; (* Find all positions of largest element in list *) poss = Flatten [Position [list, max]]; (* Return *) {max, poss} ] absTime = AbsoluteTime []; {max, poss} = findLargest1 [list]; absTime = AbsoluteTime [] - absTime; show [absTime, max, poss, findLargest1, "TakeLargest & Position", list]; findLargest1 (TakeLargest & Position): 0.923 sek.
Finding the index of a specific element in a list - Mathematica ...
https://mathematica.stackexchange.com › ...
Given data = {280., 280.5, 281., 281.5, 282., 282.5, 283., 283.5, 284., 284.5};. you could use data[[;; Position[data, 282.][[1, 1]]]].
Section 1 . Lists in Mathematica
https://www.uni-giessen.de › lists_and_matrices
You will find that lists are some of the most flexible and powerful objects in Mathematica. ... replace the element at position i in list with new.
Position—Wolfram Language Documentation
Position[expr, pattern] gives a list of the positions at which objects matching pattern appear in expr. Position[expr, pattern, levelspec] finds only objects that appear on levels specified by levelspec. Position[expr, pattern, levelspec, n] gives the positions of the first n objects found. Position[pattern] represents an operator form of Position that can be applied to an expression.
Search a list - Rosetta Code
https://www.rosettacode.org › wiki
"item not found.")) idx))). Extra credit: Since Clojure vectors implement java.util.List, you can switch .indexOf for .lastIndexOf to find ...
Get Elements of Lists—Wolfram Language Documentation
reference.wolfram.com › GetElementsOfLists
Get Elements of Lists. Lists are very important structures in the Wolfram Language. Lists allow you to treat any kind of collection of objects as a single entity. Sometimes you need to pick out or extract individual elements or groups of elements from a list. Set up a list of the first 10 squares (stored as v ):
Find the index of the minimal element using Mathematica ...
yuluyan.com › posts › mma-min-index
Nov 06, 2020 · This post was auto converted and may contain formatting errors. It occurred to me that I needed to find the minimal element (if there are multiple occurences, just return any one of them), as well as its position, in a list using mathematica. This seems to be a trivial problem and the easiest (but not the most efficient) way that came to the top of my head is the following one-liner code:
Find the largest element in a list and its position ...
Wolfram Community forum discussion about Find the largest element in a list and its position?. Stay on top of important topics and build connections by joining Wolfram Community groups relevant to your interests.
Elements of Lists—Wolfram Language Documentation
Elements of Lists. The Wolfram Language provides a carefully chosen set of functions for accessing elements of lists using either indices or positions, or using patterns or criteria for their values. list [ [...]] ( Part) — parts of lists, resettable with =.
Position - Wolfram Language Documentation
https://reference.wolfram.com › ref
Position[expr, pattern] gives a list of the positions at which objects matching pattern appear in ... Find all positions at which x to any power appears:.
Elements of Lists—Wolfram Language Documentation
reference.wolfram.com › guide › ElementsOfLists
Elements of Lists. The Wolfram Language provides a carefully chosen set of functions for accessing elements of lists using either indices or positions, or using patterns or criteria for their values. list [ [...]] ( Part) — parts of lists, resettable with =.
Find the index of the minimal element using Mathematica
https://yuluyan.com › posts › mma...
... to find the minimal element (if there are multiple occurences, just return any one of them), as well as its position, in a list using mathematica.
Get Elements of Lists—Wolfram Language Documentation
Lists are very important structures in the Wolfram Language . Lists allow you to treat any kind of collection of objects as a single entity. Sometimes you need to pick out or extract individual elements or groups of elements from a list.
How do I find the index of an element in a list in Racket?
https://newbedev.com › how-do-i-f...
Strangely, there isn't a built-in procedure in Racket for finding the 0-based index of an element in a list (the opposite procedure does exist, ...
Find position of nonzero elements - narkive
https://comp.soft-sys.math.mathematica.narkive.com › ...
How can I find the indices i and j of all nonzero elements of a matrix. ... The difficulty is that Mathematica, in contrast to some programming
Getting Indices from Mathematica's Select - Stack Overflow
28.07.2011 · SelectIndices[list, #[[1]]==5&]; (* returns {2, 4} *) EDIT: I found an answer to the immediate question above (see below), but what about sorting. Say I want to sort a list but rather than returning the sorted list, I want to return the indices in the order of the sorted list?
Finding the index of a specific element in a list ...
mathematica.stackexchange.com › questions › 192080
Feb 23, 2019 · So I tried replacing the 949 value by: Position [SSpecWavelength, Subscript [\ [Lambda], G] [Eg_]]/.numval. So basically I try using Position to find the index at which the element in the list is equal to the wavelenght that I calculate based on an energy value. When I run it I get empty curly brackets.
Finding the index of a specific element in a list ...
22.02.2019 · So basically I try using Position to find the index at which the element in the list is equal to the wavelenght that I calculate based on an energy value. When I run it I get empty curly brackets. I even tried this: Position[SSpecWavelength, 1107.] and I still get empty curly brackets.
lists - Maple Help - Maplesoft
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The number of elements of a set or list S is given by numelems(S). ... To find the intersection of two sets S and T, use S intersect T ().
Getting Indices from Mathematica's Select - Stack Overflow
https://stackoverflow.com › getting...
... "Element index from Mathematica Select", to no avail.) Anyway, this seems to be the way to do this: Position[list, 5->_];.