Finding first element of a Mathematica list greater than a ... › questions › 3671937Aug 27, 2011 · binSearch[lst_,threshold_]:= binSearchRec[lst,threshold,1,Length@lst] (* return position of leftmost element greater than threshold breaks if the first element is greater than threshold lst must be sorted *) binSearchRec[lst_,threshold_,min_,max_] := Module[{i=Floor[(min+max)/2],element}, element=lst[[i]]; Which[ min==max,max, element <= threshold,binSearchRec[lst,threshold,i+1,max], (element > threshold) && ( lst[[i-1]] <= threshold ), i, True, binSearchRec[lst,threshold,min,i-1] ] ]
Position—Wolfram Language Documentation › language › refPosition returns a list of positions in a form suitable for use in Extract, ReplacePart, and MapAt. The form is different from the one used in Part. Position looks only for matches to values in Association objects that appear in expr. It returns any part specifications within Association objects in the form Key [ k].
Position—Wolfram Language Documentation[expr, pattern] gives a list of the positions at which objects matching pattern appear in expr. Position[expr, pattern, levelspec] finds only objects that appear on levels specified by levelspec. Position[expr, pattern, levelspec, n] gives the positions of the first n objects found. Position[pattern] represents an operator form of Position that can be applied to an expression.
Launching Version 13.0 of Wolfram Language + Mathematica ... › 2021/12/13 › launching-version-13Dec 13, 2021 · More than 600 new functions in Version 13 plus loads of updates covering: symbolic integration, mathematical functions, PDE modeling, video creation, image stitching, tree constructs, graph coloring, subgraph isomorphism, spatial fields, leap seconds, maps, geometric regions, chemical formulas & reactions, bio sequences, flight data, multiaxis plots, dates as coordinates, infinite plot scales ...
PLOTTING AND GRAPHICS OPTIONS IN MATHEMATICA › courses › phys301space) by the greater than key. The first keystroke after inputting these ( -> ) will generate the arrow you see. • Notice that the styles Red, Dashed, Orange, Thick all start with capital letters, and the list of commands is contained in braces. Suppose in the graph above that we want to change the color of the x4 curve to purple (but keep