09.06.2021 · I decided to write this article to help beginners who have installed Pi Hole on a VM or maybe some other network device and don't really know how to configure thier OpenWrt router properly with Pi Hole as the primary DNS server.. …
As we managed our own router firmware using OpenWrt, you need to tell your router to send Pi-hole IP as DNS-server to client. Go to Interfaces >> ...
Correct me if I'm wrong, but I think OpenWRT is the original pi-hole. Just install "adblock" in OpenWRT. Also, RasPis are pretty reliable. You don't need a second one. As another comment mentioned, you should definitely change your DNS. I would recommend Cloudflare. However, Unbound is not supported in OpenWRT, but here is a thread on the topic.
Feb 05, 2020 · Hi, I recently upgraded my router to Openwrt 19.07.1 ATH79. Because all settings were wiped clean, I thought it'd be a good time to introduce a Pi-Hole to the mix. After re-entering all the static leases and such from scratch, I set about installing Pi-Hole. I know the basics of router and network configuration but not much deeper than that. I think I've read too much and have gotten myself ...
Jan 15, 2017 · If a DD-WRT + Pi-Hole build was made specifically for that device it wouldn't be inconceivable that Buffalo would start shipping it with that build. Having a device available with Pi-Hole built in would be the lowest barrier to entry. e.g. the reason why windows is more pervasive than linux is because it comes with most PCs.
22.02.2020 · Hi, I recently upgraded my router to Openwrt 19.07.1 ATH79. Because all settings were wiped clean, I thought it'd be a good time to introduce a Pi-Hole to the mix. After re-entering all the static leases and such from scratch, I set about installing Pi-Hole. I know the basics of router and network configuration but not much deeper than that. I think I've read too much and …
Jun 09, 2021 · OpenWrt Router; Pi Hole VM or Network Device; Please make sure you have assigned a static IP address for the Pi Hole server. Configure OpenWrt Router with Pi Hole. From your OpenWrt web control panel which happens to be on this address in my case.
However, assigning the Pi-Hole addresses here will have the router forward DNS requests to the Pi-Hole rather than the devices. If you were to force redirections in the firewall and use conditional forwarding on the Pi-Hole you will end up with millions of queries for reverse lookup which will eventually bring your pi-hole to it's knees.