Virtual Machine is unavailable and will ... - Veeam Software · Veeam Backup & Replication tracks every VMware VM by its unique MoRef ID. If the MoRef ID for a machine changes, it is treated by Veeam Backup & Replication as a different machine. If the VM is added to a job where it was backed up previously, the existing restore point chain will not continue with the re-added VM because the VM now has a different MoRef ID.
KB1658: No connection could be made ... - Veeam Software · Locate Veeam Virtualization Extensions for System Center Service in the list. If the service is not started, right-click it and choose Start from the menu. Verify that the domain account that you use to access the nworks Web UI is a member of the local Veeam Virtualization Extensions Users group and a member of the local Administrators group.
KB1198: NFC connectivity troubleshooting steps · An issue with Port 902 may represent an issue with a firewall on the ESXi host, Veeam Proxy, or the connection between the two. Click here to send feedback regarding this KB, or suggest content for a new KB. To report a typo on this page, highlight the typo with your mouse and press CTRL +Enter.
KB2127: Console Error - Failed to connect to Veeam Backup ... › kb2127Apr 21, 2016 · The Veeam Backup Service is unable to start. If you find that the Veeam Backup Service on the Veeam Backup Server is not started, start it. If it fails to start, create a support case and include the file: C:\ProgramData\Veeam\Backup\Svc.VeeamBackup.log from the Veeam Backup Server. Note: The log file mentioned contains information about the Veeam Backup Service.
Failed to connect to Veeam Backup and Replication server: How ... › blogs-and-podcasts-57 › failedAug 10, 2021 · Because of this error, you will also notice that most of the Veeam services are not running. Also, the SQL Server Express was stopped at this moment. Therefore, the error “Remoting Channel Sink UriNotPublished. RequestUri is ‘/VeeamService’ simply means the Veeam Service has not started yet“. To fix these issues, ensure the following registry keys have your server name and the SQL instance and Veeam database name are correct in the windows registry.