26.08.2020 · To load tapes written on another Veeam backup server, follow the next steps: Load the tapes into the mail slot or directly into the tape library magazine. If you loaded the tapes to the mail slot, import the tapes. To do this, open the Tape Infrastructure view, expand the Libraries node and select the library to which you have loaded the tapes.
02.03.2021 · All tapes are grouped to service or user-created media pools available under the Tape Infrastructure > Media Pools node. You can also view tapes under the Tape Infrastructure > Libraries > LibraryName node > Media.. Veeam Backup & Replication can use only online tapes for backup to tape and file to tape jobs. If you work with a standalone tape drive and all its tapes …
Import-VBRTapeMedium. Imports tapes into library. This cmdlet imports tapes newly loaded to a tape library. You need to run importing procedure against all new tapes. Importing moves tapes from I/E slot to library standard slots. Import/export commands are available only for the devices that support corresponding operations and include I/E slot.
05.09.2018 · Re: Importing tapes in I/E slots. If the Scaler doesn't see them, then you might want to manually eject the tapes and remove/re-add the I/E slots in the Operator Panel/Web Panel. Veeam is pretty "simple" when it comes to tape in that it doesn't see past the driver really, so whatever the tape hardware shows is what Veeam shows (usually).
26.08.2020 · Loading Tapes. When you need to add free tapes, or if you need to restore data from offline tapes, you need to load these tapes into your tape device. When you load tapes into the tape device, Veeam does not recognize them automatically. To start using tapes, you need to introduce them to the Veeam Backup & Replication by running the importing ...