04.06.2019 · But I got a black screen when I try to connect to localhost:5910 using VNC viewer. Any suggestion will be appreciated. Thank you. docker ubuntu vnc. Share. Improve this question. Follow asked Jun 5 '19 at 20:25. Weiyu He Weiyu He. 75 4 4 bronze badges. Add a comment |
Seems one user can only start one kde desktop, the extras are black screen. Just now xdm and vnc show me the desktop, I think, is because I don't login to the desktop. ... VNC greyed screen for Ubuntu server. 0. Can't Install CentOS 7 - Black Screen. 1.
Jun 21, 2019 · I want to install a vnc-server on a Ubuntu 18.04 desktop (clean install). I've tried vino, tigervnc, tightvnc. For vino, I don't get the screensharing option in the settings. For tigervnc and tightvnc the installation proceeds, I create the configuration, but when I try to connect I get a grey screen with a cross cursor.
Oct 18, 2016 · Ubuntu 16.04 black screen after VNC'ing in. Ubuntu 16.04, x11vnc installed. When I try to VNC into my machine (tightvnc from a Win10 or a Win7 machine) and it's been more than say 15-30 minutes after the machine has booted I cannot. I can ssh in fine and reboot the machine, then I can VNC in. I've checked processes and VNC is running.
Sep 23, 2019 · VNC is an awesome tool. It’s super fast (of course, in a local network!), and gets the job done when a plain terminal doesn’t cut it. However, there’s nothing more irritating then seeing the dreaded black or grey VNC screen: It is such a productivity suck and pain in the ass to deal with.
I figured I should answer my own question...in case anyone else runs into a similar problem. I just added localhost to xhost, and voila! took me a lot of ...
I'm working through VNC issues as well on Xubuntu, Ubuntu Mate, and Lubuntu 18.04. I think I have it mostly figured out so far for Mate. My only guess I have for you is on the machine were you were getting the blank screen on with the configuration that ships with TigerVNC, was that you were also logged into the local GUI when you started the remote session.
20.06.2019 · I want to install a vnc-server on a Ubuntu 18.04 desktop (clean install). I've tried vino, tigervnc, tightvnc. For vino, I don't get the screensharing option in the settings. For tigervnc and tightvnc the installation proceeds, I create the configuration, but when I try to connect I get a grey screen with a cross cursor.
23.09.2019 · VNC is an awesome tool. It’s super fast (of course, in a local network!), and gets the job done when a plain terminal doesn’t cut it. However, there’s nothing more irritating then seeing the dreaded black or grey VNC screen: It is such a productivity suck and …
18.10.2016 · Ubuntu 16.04 black screen after VNC'ing in. Ubuntu 16.04, x11vnc installed. When I try to VNC into my machine (tightvnc from a Win10 or a Win7 machine) and it's been more than say 15-30 minutes after the machine has booted I cannot. I can ssh in fine and reboot the machine, then I can VNC in. I've checked processes and VNC is running.
The server would run, but then connecting to vncviewer would show the black screen as mentioned above. The solution: Launching x0vncserver from a terminal window on the host gnome environment. I use this configuration with win2vnc, so I get dual monitor Windows + 3rd monitor linux side-by-side with one keyboard and mouse.
Jun 05, 2019 · I am trying to get a desktop display working from a Docker image using VNC. It seems like the connection is established, but I am getting a black screen. Here is my docker file: #sudo docker build --build-arg SSH_PRIVATE_KEY="$(cat ~/.ssh/id_rsa)" --tag=XXXXX .
A black screen is the result of the lock screen. After it the screen is locked there seems no way to login again through vnc, the screen keeps black. As a workaround the lock screen can be disabled under settings -> session and startup -> automatic start -> screen lock (Not sure about names in the english version)