How to I install/use i3 on Manjaro KDE? : ManjaroLinux › r › ManjaroLinux· 1y Just install the i3 or i3-gaps package with pacman, logout and switch the DE in the lower left corner of the login screen from Plasma to i3 and then login (you want probably install the optional dependancies too, pacman will tell you the names after i3 installation) And if you won't use i3 then just switch back to plasma in the login screen 2
How to Install Manjaro Linux [Beginner's Guide] · Brief: Manjaro is a popular arch-based beginner friendly Linux distribution. This step-by-step tutorial shows how to install Manjaro Linux. I am a huge Manjaro fan and I totally agree with my colleague John Paul’s views on why he loves using Manjaro Linux.It is one of the best Linux distributions for beginners that is not based on Ubuntu.
How to Install KDE on Manjaro Linux › install_kde_manjaro_linuxMethod 1 Get the KDE Plasma version of Manjaro. Then, make a bootable USB flash drive using Linux Live USB Creator or Rufus. Using the tools, all you have to do is select the ISO and the target USB flash drive. The tool will do the rest all by itself. Boot into the device and run the installation of Manjaro Linux (KDE Plasma edition).
Using i3 with KDE Plasma - Ryan Lue · Log out, and you should now be able to select “Plasma-i3” as your desktop session in the login screen. Then, head over to the official i3 user’s guide to learn the ropes.. Addendum. As mentioned above, a KDE update that was rolled out to Debian recently left me unable to log in. The reason is that this new version of KDE changed the launcher command from startkde to …
Install Desktop Environments - Manjaro › index › Install_DesktopOptional: Install the Manjaro configuration and theming for plasma sudo pacman -S manjaro-kde-settings sddm-breath-theme manjaro-settings-manager-knotifier manjaro-settings-manager-kcm Open plasma settings, go to Startup & Shutdown->Login Screen and select "Breath" Alternatively, the newer themes may be installed with: