Manjaro LiveCD virtual machine shows black screen after boot › 124751May 08, 2020 · Method 3. Launch Manjaro and load to the point where you see black screen. On Mac menu bar find Parallels Desktop logo > Devices > Keyboard > choose Ctrl+Alt+F2 from the list to open an additional virtual Terminal. Enter credentials for Manjaro, then proceed with the following command to remove the incorrect X-server config and DDX-driver vesafb:
Manjaro: Fixing the screen resolution in VMware » › en › 2020Feb 06, 2021 · Due to a bug in current versions of Manjaro, it is not possible to change the screen resolution if Manjaro is running as a VMware guest. Neither changing the resolution manually nor using the “Fit Guest Now” option is working correctly. Since the screen resolution is pinned to 800×600 pixels, it’s almost impossible to properly use the VM.