Unraid vs Proxmox – My Opinions – XtremeOwnage
xtremeownage.com › 2020/10/20 › unraid-vs-proxmox-myOct 20, 2020 · Unraid just has a very easy-to-use docker implementation, and you could easily run docker in a VM or directly on your proxmox host and it would be just as easy with something like Rancher. You can do PCI passthrough in Proxmox (which enables the whole gaming pc that doubles as a VM host situation you mention), so that’s not really a feature difference between Proxmox (or KVM in general) and Unraid.
Trying to decide: FreeNAS, Unraid, Rockstor, Proxmox, etc ...
forums.servethehome.com › indexMar 08, 2013 · Trying to decide: FreeNAS, Unraid, Rockstor, Proxmox, etc. I'm changing my home lab environment around a little and trying to get a bit more flexibility in my storage and hypervisor setup, and I would love some advice regarding which NAS operating system might be best for my environment. Apologies in advance for the long post!
help deciding between unraid and proxmox : homelab
www.reddit.com › r › homelabProxmox is free for home use, you can set up a cluster for the fun of it, whereas UnRAID is an upfront charge, upcharge when you add drives upcharge from the base price if you hit 7 drives and another upcharge if you hit 13, and it limits your ability to transfer to a new build recover the install media in case of multiple drive failures in a single year. I don't think there is much of a comparison here to be honest.